Réseau des Jeunes Volontaires Francophones du Cameroun

Opening today, August 23, 2023, of the Training Workshop for Educational Actors on Securing School Establishments against TRAFFICKING and Drug Consumption in Schools

Opening today, August 23, 2023, of the Training Workshop for Educational Actors on Securing School Establishments against TRAFFICKING and Drug Consumption in Schools in the Conference Room at JVF-CAMEROON headquarters.
For 3 days, Educational actors, Associative Leaders, Managers of Youth Organizations and movements, leaders of Law Enforcement Forces, Religious Leaders, will be equipped with techniques of enlistment, trafficking, and also typologies of drugs in circulation in Cameroon and within our borders.

This workshop benefits from the technical support of the General Delegation for National Security (DGSN), the French Embassy in Cameroon, and the NGO Action Contre la Druge.
The massive participation of Representatives of partner Ministries (Ministry of External Relations, Ministry of Basic Education, Ministry of Territorial Administration, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Secondary Teachers, etc.) demonstrates the true value of attention that the government pays to this training which will undoubtedly contribute to quality education for Cameroonian youth on the eve of the start of the school year.

In response to the Cholera Epidemic, JVF-CAMEROON is launching a major population awareness campaign in the Briqueterie district with the COSADI team (Health Committee of the Cité Verte/Brique District).

In response to the Cholera Epidemic, JVF-CAMEROON is launching a major population awareness campaign in the Briqueterie district with the COSADI team (Health Committee of the Cité Verte/Brique District).
The activity took place this August 15, 2023 with the menu:
Awareness raising, education of populations on hygiene methods, behavior in the event of symptoms of cholera, washing of hands, food before consumption, compliance with the instructions of health personnel and mobile cholera vaccination teams.

As part of the preparations for the First Training Workshop for Educational Actors on Securing School Establishments against TRAFFICKING and Drug Consumption in Schools

As part of the preparations for the First Training Workshop for Educational Actors on Securing School Establishments against TRAFFICKING and Drug Consumption in Schools. The JVF-CAMEROON team was received at the French Embassy by Police Captain Laurent SAINSEAUX on August 10, 2023. The discussions focused on the support of the French Embassy, the ways and the means to develop a mutually advantageous collaboration with Civil Society, notably JVF-CAMEROUN, and participation in our activities.
This workshop, the first of its kind in the political capital, Yaoundé, will be held from August 23 to 25, 2023 on the eve of the start of the school year.

The National Coordinator of JVF-CAMEROON, on mission in France, signed a Cooperation Agreement on July 12, 2023 with EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL OF NICE.

The National Coordinator of JVF-CAMEROON, on mission in France, signed on July 12, 2023 with EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL OF NICE, a Cooperation agreement for a period of 5 years. This agreement aims to receive within JVF-CAMEROON, students from this Prestigious Reference University in France, for the implementation of GLOBAL IMPACTS PROJECTS (PROJECTS WITH DIRECT and SUSTAINABLE IMPACTS on the Population).
The National Coordinator visited the Nice campus and was able to appreciate the structure and the place of this great School on the international scene.
This marks the beginning of a great adventure of International Cooperation between the French Grandes Écoles and Cameroonian Civil Society Organizations.

International Francophone Literary Arts Competition (CALIF2023) this March 15, 2023 at the headquarters of JVF-CAMEROUN

International Francophone Literary Arts Competition (CALIF2023) as a prelude to the Celebration of the International Day of La Francophonie (JIF2023); Young people express their talents through:
– Dictation competition,
– Best song competition
– Best writing hand competition
– Best dancer competition
– Best recitation competition
and other activities to attract and promote the French language.

This December 1, 2022, the National Coordinator of JVF-CAMEROUN received at the headquarters Miss Anne KOLDA, active member of JVF, and finalist of the edition of MISS RONDE CAMEROUN 2022

This December 1, 2022, the National Coordinator of JVF-CAMEROUN received at the headquarters Miss Anne KOLDA, active member of JVF, and finalist of the edition of MISS RONDE CAMEROUN 2022. The latter came to receive the blessing of JVF-CAMEROUN for this beautiful adventure that she started a few months ago. After discussions with the Coordinator and some members of the team, Anne left reassured of the unwavering support of JVF-CAMEROUN.

Elections of the New Bureau of the Communal Youth Council of Yaoundé 2nd! The new office was elected this November 30, 2022

Elections of the New Bureau of the Communal Youth Council of Yaoundé 2nd!
The new office was elected this November 30, 2022 in the conference room of the sub-prefecture under the general coordination of Madam Deputy to the Sub-Prefect, assisted by Madam the District Delegate of Youth and Civic Education (DAJEC). This election saw the participation of all Youth in the district, particularly Youth organizations and movements.
At the end of this very popular vote, Miss Rachidetou MACHOUETOUM, member of JVF-CAMEROUN, was elected MEMBER OF THE NEW COMMUNAL OFFICE.

The JVF-CAMEROON Headquarters served as a framework for the Young Leaders Commission responsible for casting young people's applications.

As part of the renewal of the governing bodies of the National Youth Council of Cameroon (CNJC); The Headquarters of JVF-CAMEROON served as a framework for the commission of Young Leaders responsible for casting the applications of young people aspiring to be part of the governing bodies of the Communal Youth Council of Yaoundé 2nd (CCJ/YDE II). This meeting took place at the headquarters of JVF-CAMEROON in the presence of the National Coordinator, Hamed YAPJA, member of this commission, on November 27, 2022 at 2 p.m.

(JVF-CAMEROON) DONATED materials for the good involvement of CODEL Volunteers

As part of support for the Volunteers of the Local Development Committee (CODEL), created by the Mayor of the Municipality of Yaoundé 2nd, # AYISSI Yannick Martial ELOUNDOU, the Network of Young Volunteers of the Francophonie (JVF-CAMEROUN) made a DONATION of materials with a view to the proper involvement of CODEL Volunteers in local sanitation and environmental preservation policy.
This ceremony took place on October 8, 2022.

Monday March 20, 2023


Celebration of the International Day of La Francophonie in Cameroon (JIF2023).

After the Sports March this morning March 18, 2023, we received at the headquarters of JVF-CAMEROON, the visit of YOUNG FRANCOPHONE AMBASSADORS.
We exchanged on all of our activities on the National and International Plan. We plan to work on Joint Projects and set up a Mutually Beneficial Collaboration.

Always as a prelude to the Celebration of the International Day of La Francophonie (JIF2023).

The Network of Young Francophone Volunteers of Cameroon (JVF-CAMEROON), spoke to its Young Members this day March 17, 2023 at its headquarters on THE HISTORY OF LA FRANCOPHONIE, ITS FOUNDING FATHERS, ITS DIFFERENT MISSIONS, ITS MEMBER STATES, ITS DIFFERENT SECRETARIES GENERALS.
Young people were informed about the MAJOR KEY DATES in the history of La Francophonie, as well as the opportunities it offers young people.
After this Educational Talk on the history of La Francophonie, a Sports March is planned this Saturday, March 18, 2023, to celebrate LA FRANCOPHONIE DES SOLUTIONS for a MORE FLOURISHED FRANCOPHONE YOUTH.
-Long live the Francophonie of SOLUTIONS
– Aims for the Francophonie on the GROUND
– Long live Responsible Francophone Youth
Have a great party everyone.

The Young Francophone Volunteers of Cameroon at the Ecole de la Francophonie of SOLUTIONS.

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Celebration of the International Day of La Francophonie (JIF2023) JVF-CAMEROON at the heart of the event.

“INTERNATIONAL FRANCOPHONE LITERARY ARTS COMPETITION (CALIF2023) Organized on March 15 and 16, 2023 at the headquarters of JVF-CAMEROON in Tsinga-Yaounde. Participation of students from Public Schools of:
– EKOUDOU Group I and II
– TSINGA Group A and B

Meeting of the TASK FORCE of JVF-CAMEROUN.

Meeting of the TASK FORCE of JVF-CAMEROUN this day 07 March 2023 at the headquarters in prelude to the Celebration of the International Women’s Day (8 March 2023), and the Celebration of the International Francophonie Day (JIF2023).

Visit of the National Coordinator of JVF-CAMEROUN Mr Hamed YAPJA to the headquarters of the NGO AGIR abcd in Paris (January 2023)

The Network of Young French-speaking Volunteers of Cameroon received this Monday, 06 March 2023 at its headquarters.

The Network of Young French-speaking Volunteers of Cameroon received this Monday, March 6, 2023 at its headquarters; Mr. Dominique BACLE, Cameroon Country Manager of the NGO Actions des Bénévoles pour la Coopération et le Développement (AGIRabcd).
Our exchanges were focused on the support and the accompaniment in the assembly and the answer to the calls for projects in order to mobilize the financing. Afterwards, Mr BACLE had exchanges with the members of JVF-CAMEROUN. It was on a note of general satisfaction that our guest left the headquarters to continue his mission at FRANCE VOLONTAIRES. AGIRabcd and JVF-CAMEROUN, for a mutually beneficial collaboration.

Meeting of the Follow-up Committee ( SC) of the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations of the Francophonie (COING)

Meeting of the Follow-up Committee (SC) of the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations of La Francophonie (COING) which gathers 130 Associations Accredited by La Francophonie (INGOs and NGOs), on the 5 Continents; of which JVF-CAMEROUN is a member.
Meeting held from 11 to 14 January 2023 at the Headquarters of La Francophonie in Paris.
Hamed YAPJA, National Coordinator of the Network of Young French-speaking Volunteers of Cameroon (JVF-CAMEROUN), was elected representative of the NGOs, during the renewal of the governing bodies of the COING-OIF Monitoring Committee.
The National Coordinator of JVF-CAMEROUN, also actively participated in this meeting of the Follow-up Committee with all his colleagues, Actors of the Francophone Civil Society.
The meeting was attended by 14 representatives of civil society organisations from Canada, Mauritania, Cameroon, Madagascar, Belgium, Tunisia, Burundi and France.
The Follow-up Committee brings together the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the 5 Thematic Commissions and the NGO Group.
The Follow-up Committee has developed an Action Plan whose priority targets will be Youth and Women.
The guideline will be Education from the earliest age and Vocational Training.
The INGO and its accredited associations will be associated with the elaboration of the Programme of Action of the International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF) and its implementation.

First meeting to implement the recommendations from the last Forum. Yaoundé on October 29, 2022 at JVF-CAMEROON Headquarters

JVF-Cameroon at the COP 22 Summit in Marrakech, Morocco

Despite the very often limited means, the executive office of JVF-Cameroon has deployed itself particularly in the field of the construction of citizenship, responsible political commitment, participatory democracy and socio-cultural promotion initiatives. and economics of young people. To do this, it relied on internal strengths and a range of diverse partners to achieve the objectives and beneficiary targets.


The activities that our organization has carried out over the past two years have been oriented towards the achievement of our statutory objectives as set out in our Declaration Receipt on the one hand, and those of La Francophonie in general on the other. The common thread being the promotion of true volunteerism and the common good, citizenship, solidarity, peace and the development of young people in Cameroon.

Educational talks with young association leaders in Cameroon

These activities are broken down, for the purposes of simplification and understanding, in the synoptic table in the Appendix.